Twinfield Union School Hydroelectric Project

Project leaders: Emlynn Crocker, Brendan Popp, Ian Young - 9th Grade

We are planning an environmentally sound, damless diversion hydro project on Nasmith Brook and land owned by Twinfield Union School. The school has a $60,000 annual power bill. We hope to generate about two-thirds of the school's power requirements. Our project will help curb global warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions more than 200 tons annually. It will protect fish and allow for more money in the school budget for more educational opportunities. Here are more details.

News Flash: The Twinfield project leaders will join scientists to present the details of their project at the annual River Management Symposium in Portland, Maine, May 12-15, 2008.

Documents and M edia Coverage

ANR Presentation
Learn about our project from a presentation we gave to the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources in the summer of 2007.

Times Argus Article
Describes the project and its obstacles. (February 24, 2008)

Seven Days Article
Describes the project and its obstacles. (May 16, 2007)

Twinfield School Hydro Project Video - I
This video news clips describes the benefits of a small environmentally sound hydroelectric project for the Twinfield School.

Twinfield School Hydro Project Video - II
Emlyn Crocker, a student at Twinfield School in Plainfield, Vermont, interviews Alvin and Arlon Warner, developers of local hydro projects.

Twinfield School Hydro Project Video - III
Vermont Senator William Doyle interviews three Twinfield students about their hydro project.





Community Hydro, LLC
113 Bartlett Road • Plainfield, VT 05667